13 March 2011

Boats’ Got Wheels

Saturday was another beautiful day so I was itching to get some more sailing in. There was a tsunami warning in place due to the earthquake in Japan so after discussions with a friend we decided to give Lake Ototoa north of Helensville a go.

On a whim however we decided to check out launching from Eric Armishaw Reserve, Pt Chevalier on the inner Waitemata Harbour.

The tide was in so we decided to give sailing a go. As I was setting I noticed that there was a surge of the tide, coming in about a meter further. This was the affect of the tsunami all the way from Japan, pretty awe inspiring to say the least!

The launch went well, we sailed out with a light breeze behind us past Coyle Park then ran along pointing towards Herne Bay for a while before deciding to turn back. Shortly after that the wind died and we were forced to paddle back most of the way. Again, with just two people I was amazed at how much ground we covered.

Back at the reserve, the tide had gone out so far that there was 300m of sand flats to cross. Fortunately I’d brought along my new kayak trolley!

The new rudder is working well, although it wasn’t really a strong test.  All up, another great day on the water:

06 March 2011

Job’s Done

But too wet and windy to test, hopefully next weekend.

As I mentioned last post I glued together three pieces of oak left over from the rudder and leeboard into a board. In case one of the joins isn’t strong enough I also backed the board with perpendicular lengths of pine. All of this was given a coat of epoxy.

The hinges have been bolted on with 6mm stainless steel bolts on both the rudder and pivot board. To top it off I treated myself to a Ronstan Battlestick tiller extension.

The finished rudder:

I’m quite pleased with the wood on white contrast it brings.